SFCNA–Sharon Fellowship Churches of North America

Sharon Fellowship Church was originally founded by Pastor P J Thomas in Kerala, India in the early 1950’s, following a time of studying at Serampore University and abroad in both an Australian Bible College and an American college near Chicago, Illinois called Wheaton College. While teaching Comparative Religion at Wheaton College, he felt the calling to return home to India and settled in Thiruvilla, Kerala, India after purchasing a property that would eventually become the Sharon compound.

The reputation of the “Sharon” name came with two revival meetings that were documented in a reputed Indian newspaper and the opening of the Bible College at the Sharon compound in 1953. During a period of unrest in the Pentecostal church in India, Pastor P J Thomas remained neutral and the Sharon compound was often used as a place of mediation. The church began to truly grow in the 1960’s and continued as members also traveled abroad. Over the years, members who had immigrated to the United States desired a more formal organization and fellowship.

As the annual Pentecostal Conference of North American Keralites (PCNAK) was held, these members would enjoy meetings of fellowship in the hosting city. In 1995, under the strong leadership of Pastor V Solomon (Michigan) a formal meeting was held in Dallas, Texas. Again under his leadership, another meeting was held in Lansing, Michigan in 1997. The late Pastor K V Johnson (New York) and the late Pastor Jacob Thomas (New York), also provided early leadership in these meetings and it became a source of inspiration. The late Pastor K V Johnson was selected as President of this gathering in 1997, Pastor George P Oommen (Texas) as Vice president and Pastor V Solomon (Michigan) and Lat. Rev Jacob Thomas ( New York) was selected as national Coordinators. Another meeting was held in New Jersey in 1999 and Bro. Johnson Oommen (Illinois) was elected to serve as the Secretary.

After much prayer and discussion with believers from different states, a planning meeting was held on September 4th of 1999 in Frankfort, Illinois. After several suggestions, the proposal was set for this new group to be under the name: SHARON FELLOWSHIP CHURCHES OF NORTH AMERICA (SFCNA). This group authorized Pastor C M Titus (Boston) to register this organization with the United States of America.

These new members decided together that the following excerpt from Jesus’ teaching would be the foundation of their meetings: Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). It is the expressed will of God for Christian believers to worship together in a spirit of unity, cooperating in fellowship, evangelism, spiritual instruction, stewardship and Christian service.
It was then decided that the church needed a clear purpose. After many hours of discussions, the following purpose was decided upon. To maintain an association of sovereign Bible believing, Christ honoring, independent Pentecostal churches; to promote the spirit of evangelism; to spread the Gospel; to advance regular Pentecostal educational and missionary enterprises at home and abroad; to raise and maintain a testimony to the truth of the Gospel; to uphold the purity and holiness of the Body of Christ both individually and corporately.

A clear mission was also needed. The following mission was decided upon: The mission of SFCNA is to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20) by engaging in evangelism, church planting, missionary work, and the promotion of charitable and educational activities both in the United States and abroad.

Sharon Fellowship Churches of North America has grown significantly since its humble beginning. Currently, there are SFCNA affiliated churches in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.

MGM Ministries-Article Source: sfccna.com/index.php?menu=about us&article=About Us